Musics I done

Monday, June 14, 2004

gimme a fucking break.

anyone remember mp3 of the week? well, sorry about the low bit rate, but this is just great.
and why did radiohead never release this, possibly there most blissfull song?
and an 'ah, do you see what they've done here?' moment. does humour belong in music? it's very well executed. but it's really not that funny.
cuttooth has always been a fantastic source, and now the man's gone and put up an ep by his own outfit (or is it a solo project?) which is also pretty nice. inspired me - when i've given out all 60 copies of womanSour, i'm going to put it on soundclick. and there will only be this batch ever made - if you want a cd quality copy, ask me now!

other than that, my life's pretty awful. coming home to an empty house, alone, afraid of the future. the people i'm giving money to, to take me away and show me the world, are probably crooks or cowboys. i hate this week's exams. hate is too strong a word - they invoke cruddy feelings of frustration that i have to learn stuff of absolutely no use to the world. but then i chose this course. that's what (that's what!) is so awful about my situation - every problem i have, is my fault. i think i'm going to go to bournemouth. i mean, that's what people do when they're deppressed, right? 87) i hope you're well, thom.

bugger. i'd better get on. i need to take electro-shock blues back off raych. that'll see me through.


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