Musics I done

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


this photo is by Ed, you can see other wonderful images of his birthday party here.

what a lovely bunch of cocoanuts.
inspired by hotmail's default function of stuffing gmails into the junk folder, i have now convinced it to stick it's own service annoucements in the same place. haha.

last night was difficult. the kind of difficult that makes you want to grab a 4-pack of lager and drink the last can with the plastic ring still attached. *don't worry*, i didn't drink the lot. watched the digimon movie and et crisp sandwiches, while L explained to me exactly what the fuck was going on.

pete (him on the left) has got a lovely new song on his website. click his name (pete) over there ->.

graffito of the month was a stencil of marty feldman as igor in young frankenstein. that really touched me.

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