Musics I done

Friday, February 11, 2005

the genius of julie keller


"hi grilly. Paul is coming down to see me tonight, wanna come to pub with us?"
I am not sure if paul is even coming. he's got a nasty habit of turning me down. i'll let you know a bit later."
"the fucker is not coming down anyway. just stupid of me to think he'd come and not mess it up."

at which point, i invited her round with promise of "tea and conversation". and what a lovely evening we had.
street fighter2 pics 'are in the post', in my imagination.

1 comment:

unimbued said...

You know when Jo (and she's a girl so what would SHE know) says "Grilly wants those pictures so much, Andrew," that you have to get your scanning arse in gear. So I will. Tomorrow. After The OC. Promise. Anyone else miffed at the totall passing over of Shaun of the Dead at tonight's BAFTAs?
